Twin Force Main Relocation Project

This project consists of the relocation of the District’s twin force mains within the City of Newark’s Dumbarton Transit Oriented Development area and the protection of the District’s twin force mains within the City of Newark’s Hickory Street right-of-way with a concrete cap. It includes the installation of 3,000 linear feet of twin 36-inch HDPE pipe (6,000 linear feet total) and the construction of eleven manholes and two air relief valve manholes. The project also includes the installation of 150 linear feet of 36-inch HDPE pipe within a 48-inch steel casing under an Alameda County Flood Control channel, the construction of a jacking pit and a receiving pit, and the construction of 1,500 linear feet of concrete cap above existing 33-inch diameter RCP force mains.



Union Sanitary District


$6.5 Million