12kV Switchgear Building

In order to meet the electrical demands of the upcoming installation of the plant’s front of plant receiving lift station and headworks and the need for redundant power feeds, a second electrical power distribution switchgear system was constructed.

The building’s foundation tied into thirty 109-foot piles to ensure that the finished floor elevation was constructed above the FEMA flood level. Transported in two pieces, the switchgear was carefully positioned on top of the constructed steel structure which rested on the reinforced concrete slab foundation.

The switchgear is designed to feed power generated on Silicon Valley Clean Water’s site (through photovoltaics, battery systems, and cogeneration engines) into the PG&E grid. It includes a state-of-the-art battery system, which will enable the facility to be self-reliant during peak demand and includes provisions to provide approximately 2/3 of the power to the new front of plant facilities and equipment.


Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW)


$7.5 Million