Preconstruction Services

Prior to commencement of construction activities, owners must navigate a maze of legal requirements and administrative steps to move a project from final design through bidding. We possess the skills and expertise to guide clients through that maze to reach the start of construction.

Tanner Pacific understands the complexities of the California public bid process. We support the design team and owner to make sure the project bid process moves smoothly by meeting required timelines, conducting informative prebid meetings, issuing timely addendums, and monitoring the whole bid process. The results of these efforts are responsive and well informed bids from contractors.


Reviewing all construction plans and specifications before contractors bid on a project is an essential step in the construction process. Tanner Pacific excels in identifying issues before a project is actually built, which helps the client reduce and prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns. 


“Plan the Work. Work the Plan.” This is a common mantra used throughout the business world, yet not easily implemented. With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, we have gained extensive knowledge of construction means and methods. We understand the construction process and have the expertise to develop and evaluate realistic construction schedules during the design process.


Cost overruns can be avoided with a credible, reliable, and accurate cost estimate. With a combination of industry knowledge and current estimating tools, Tanner Pacific is able to focus on the specifics of a project and provide a Probable Cost of Construction closely tied to the tasks involved. Our staff continually chronicles tasks from similar projects, keeping the information in a database that allows quick access to cost information. This provides owners with an accurate and up-to-date understanding of potential costs to assist with budgeting, bidding and evaluating changes during construction.


At Tanner Pacific, we are experts at creating cooperation among multiple organizations who are different in culture, purpose, and approach. We unify teams by focusing on common project goals. Michael Jaeger, P.E. has provided Partnering facilitation for over 15 years and his background as a Construction Manager provides him with the ability to guide a project team successfully throughout all phases of design and construction. 



The project specifications set the tone and framework for the overall contract, and the General Conditions section of the specifications is the foundation of these documents. At Tanner Pacific, our in house experts work with the client to develop specifications that are tailored to their specific needs and goals while incorporating the latest Public Contract Code Requirements. This attention to detail further protects the Client's interests and provides a solid contractual path for addressing administrative issues, such as insurance, to more complicated issues, such as contract change order compensation and project sequencing.