Bolsa Road Fish Passage improvements project

Uvas-Carnadero Creek is a tributary to the Pajaro River, which drains into Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz County, California. Uvas-Carnadero Creek supports a self-sustaining population of steelhead that is part of the Southern Central California Coast Distinct population segment, which is listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. The Bolsa Fish Passage Improvements Project on Uvas-Carnadero Creek includes the development and implementation of a design to improve steelhead passage downstream of a Union Pacific Railroad bridge within the County of Santa Clara.

The proposed fish passage design involves the rehabilitation of the channel bed with a series of constructed riffles and pools and improvements of the banks adjoining the riffles and pools to arrive at a stable channel configuration. The 1,700 LF riffle-pool system will allow steelhead and other aquatic organisms to move freely between the lower and upper reaches of the creek. Tanner Pacific is providing risk management, claims mitigation, contract management, and constructability review services on this project.


Valley Water